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Isitec International, a key accelerator for the development

Logistic services

Manufacturing, transport, distribution, support…. for any core business, at Isitec International we design solutions to optimize the management of the logistics flows for your company.
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Industry & Manufacturing

The industries of food, textile, chemical, pharmaceutical, metallurgical, and paper have one thing in common – the need to optimise the flow management in order to reach a maximum profitability.
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Postal Services

The Isitec International solutions assist you in: voice sorting of the email or by the machine, management of sensitive objects, management of registered mails … Discover our mail sorting, parcel tracking, traceability of registered mails.
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Facility and General Services

Parcel tracking, statistics and KPI publishing, improving the communications, mail logistics, the reduction of administrative tasks, inventories, furniture management … discover our offers.
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The automotive industry constitutes a big portion of the industrial market. In order to continue improving its performance and to deal with international import and export, this sector requires solutions for optimizing the ever-changing logistics flows.
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Mail services

Modernise your mail processing methods and optimise your company mail management. Isitec International developed solutions to support the documents flows from their entry into the premises until their distribution.
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