Industry & Manufacturing

Optimisation of the flow management for a maximum profitability

The customized solutions developed by Isitec International are designed to optimize logistics flow management for various industries, including food, textiles, pharmaceuticals, and aeronautics. Our goal is to provide you with a dependable, efficient, and tailored solution that enhances your business’s efficiency, productivity, and ultimately, profitability.

Industry,Manufacturing,improve productivity,Optimise the logistics flow

Optimise the order picking for an increased productivity and reliability

In the manufacturing industry, the optimisation of the warehouse logistics is fundamental. Recognizing the challenges of this activity, at Isitec International we offer solutions that improve the efficiency and productivity of your company. Zero stockholding, delivery times reduced to the maximum, to achieve these objectives, each movement must be studied and optimised in order to be reproduced as little as possible in a work sequence.

Tailor-made solutions for your manufacturing process

industry & manufacturing

Our solutions for the Industry & Manufacturing sector

pick to light

Pick to Light

The most affordable and flexible digital picking solution.


pick to light

Pick to Light

The most affordable and flexible digital picking solution.

pick by balance

Pick by Balance

Parts Control and Counting by weighting.

pick by cart


The most affordable and flexible digital picking solution.

Isitec International - Isipick To Light


AGVs and AMRs are autonomous vehicles for industrial applications.

Isitec International - Isipick To Light

Smart Kanban®

The IOT at the service of the industry.

hands free pda 2


Glovescanner allows the operator working in production and logistics to evolve hands-free.

Isitec International - Isipick To Light


Door modules for securing picking and replenishing operations.

Isitec International, a key accelerator for the development

Each logistics solution we design is fully adapted to the company requirements. From its design, installation, and commissioning by all collaborators, we take care of each step. For more information about a solution, please contact our teams by phone, or by filling out the contact form.

Reduce your deadlines
Increase your traceability

Feel free to contact us

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