Isitrac® and Isivoice® for Schneider Electic les Hives :Innovative solutions in an innovative environment.
Isitec International equips the building ” Le HIVE (Hall de l’Innovation et Vitrine de l’Energie): Innovation Hall and Energy Showcase”.
This site hosts the international headquarters of the french company Schneider Electric.
Yves Bossy has been the mail manager at Schneider Electric for 17 years. In 2014, he decided to entrust ISITEC in order to improve the traceability of sensitive flow and the mail sorting. Both tasks were carried out manually as paper-and-pencil tasks.
With 2,000 employees and a significant number of key business services, the organisation shall evolve.
Schneider Electric implemented the ISIVOICE Tri that enables the operators to sort mail using voice recognition and ISITRAC to computerise and professionalise the traceability of the sensitive flow.