ISITEC International awarded bronze label by Cybervadis

ISITEC International awarded bronze label by Cybervadis

We have been awarded the Bronze Label by CyberVadis for the cybersecurity and information protection performance of our software solutions for the general services, supply chain and postal industries, with an overall score of 720/1000. “This score reflects our...
The impact of teleworking and flex-office

The impact of teleworking and flex-office

The impact of teleworking and flex-office teleworking and flexible offices are profoundly transforming logistics services. This white paper looks at challenges such as managing delivery failures and rising logistics costs. Find out how Isitrac and Isitrac Locker...
webinar : Flex-office and teleworking

webinar : Flex-office and teleworking

Optimize general services management! Flex-office and teleworking are redefining companies’ expectations and constraints in terms of workspace and general services management. New requirements, in particular the fluid management of parcel and registered mail...